The Truth is that i am really not a guy, i can explain i feel that us female gamers get discriminated because of our gender. after SKSoccer has been open about herself, i fell is if i should do the same. i was tired of people being sexist and saying my voice sounded like a girl, well you were right, CONGRATS!! * Answers to your question.. Yeah i know... imqueenlol sounded pretty stupid.
Congrats on feeling confident enough to share this with us. It takes a lot of courage to share things that you were not comfortable feeling before!
Good for you for stating your gender. I'm a part if the female group, but the only problems I've had we're creepy new players trying to hit on me.. xD Voice, some people think I sound like a guy. Those who don't and hear me for the first time used to be surprised that girls existed..
Why is there hate for genders on here? Wasn't sexism solved like... last century? Thats really sad...congrats imkinglol :3
Not really "hate". You just don't see many girls playing video games. So, whenever someone announces their gender everyone is like :O and all surprised. I personally don't care if you are a guy or girl. It is just a gender :3
We do not discriminate and we banish sexism if you see it in game. Please notify a moderator/supermod/gameadmin if you EVER feel uncomfortable in game due to someones actions or chat and we will deal with the problem asap (This really goes for all players, and you need to take screenshots to provide proof as always). If your hesitant for any reason, then please contact Skylexia or KMaxwell if you feel that you need a female mod specifically due to whatever is happening and I am sure they will be more than willing to help. We don't have all that many female gamers, but those we do have are some of the most influential and active players on the server. RagMan
Never feel like you'll be left out depending on Race, Age, Gender, ect. We take very seriously on how we act upon those who 'Make fun' of said above.
This is so true. All the female ecc players ( Sksoccer, Skylexia, KMaxwell, Moofink etc ) are all extremely kind and mature.
Power to all females Woot. ;0 and yes discrimination sucks :/ (even though i basically just said female are better. lol)
I actually find that with gamers these days it is actually pretty equal in regards to gender. My wife and I are both avid gamers. She is not a huge fan of minecraft which almost resulted in a divorce, however she can hold her own in MW3 and battlefield. I also have several friends from my streaming days who are female and are highly addicted to gaming. I find it amusing that we are suprised by the number of female gamers that are out there now. I find even more amusing that back in the snes and genesis days a girl wouldnt even talk to a boy if he played video games! How the world changes....
You should never feel that way on this server! We treat everyone equally and i'm truly sorry you had to go through this
I'm not female, but being female should NEVER make you uncomfortable. If people critisize you for what you are, then ignore them and tell a mod. Same thing in real life. Ignore them and show them you couldn't care less.
Being a female should never be anything to be afraid of in anything. If you enjoy doing something, then shoot for that. You should always be proud of anything you do. There are tons of female gamers, and if you enjoy it; keep playing it. Like ragman said, if you ever feel anythings wrong, just message any moderator+. You could especially message me for anything! *winks* ;p But back to seriousness, if you feel anythings wrong please message a moderator+. If you/anybody needs a laugh, I'm a pretty good bee gees singer, or singing anything acutally! Even ask Skylexia!
I always thought the best gamers were female The reason you never here of any is because that small group of people that is still sexist makes fun of the best female gamers, so they don't post on youtube :/ I can say with confidence I get my butt whooped by more female gamers then male.