Hey ECC! As the title says I am quitting for 1 month+.NO YOU MAY NOT HAVE MY MONIES!!! I am quitting for personal reasons and WILL be back. Please Do Not Remove Me From Towns/Farms! I will be active on forums!! Feel free to forum PM me to talk to me! SparklyPotato2888miner888Thecreator767Addswerzxc This is for AmericaIf I missed you I am sorry, Please Don't Remove Me! I WILL MISS YOU ALL!! Except you enderman1332 I don't really Like you, no offenseI will Especially miss:SparklyPotato2888miner888sick24clou44AJCowLover
We will miss you, Dante, but as you know, goodbye threads are not allowed. I look forward to seeing you on the server again soon Locked.