I find, for some reason, that I am on EcoCityCraft very often. This is more often than any of my friends, as far as I know, on ECC except for staff. Staff are on very often. I get up start my day and play ECC until nightfall. Well, at least most days I do. (About 13 days in 2 weeks) But I know it isn't over yet. I still have time to play on ecc. Some nights I come down and start playing ECC at 1:30 AM when everyone else is asleep. My parents do not know. I and on posting this thread at 2:25 AM right now. I play a little more than 12 hours a day on ECC!!! There are days where I CAN NOT fall asleep. I think others have had this happen too. I stay upstairs and am forced to watch the hours pass on these days. It's literally NO sleep. One of these days I decided to sneak down and play ECC during the night and now I do it a lot. Because of this I can be found online a lot and my time zone is US mountain time. I have to adapt to being a few hours (about 3 or 4) short of normal sleep.
um....... uuuhhhmmmm.... cool? xD i keed, i've been in situations before, where i'd play 19 hours a day, 5am-midnight for a couple weeks straight, who wouldn't
I've done that once too. Only once. My parents get up to get my brother ready for summer school at 5:30 and I don't want to be caught up that early. I am going to do it for the second time I just decided
It's not good for your health to not be getting very much sleep, especially if you're still growing (I have no idea how old you are but yeah). I would suggest getting more sleep ECC will be there when you get up.
Huh, well my response to this was first one of extreme amusement, but, this probably is a problem. Young people can go off limited sleep for a VERY long time, so long as you have a rest day where you actually sleep normally sprinkled in every once in a while. Just because you can though, doesn't mean you should. When you're young you new a healthy sleep schedule to grow. If you're only getting 6 hours of sleep you'll probably be doing your body harm (not to mention sitting in front of a computer all day lol) if you have a problem with sleeping, it's probably because you're not expending all the energy you have in the day. Go outside, do a sport, play with friends, etc. Hell, if you don't have a problem with your schedule, go right ahead! I'm not saying you can't, but if you exercise for maybe 2 hours you'll find sleep much easier, and be healthier in general. Good luck!
That kind of schedule would make me sick on multiple levels. I couldn't bear wasting that much time. You should ask your parents to help with your problem. It'd make them think you're mature as well.
The night before last night, I didn't get to sleep at all, so I was very tired that day. My ma thought it would be a good idea to drag me out to the supermarket. It was a mild day, but bright outside, despite the sun not being visible. I was in an aisle near the back, and I looked out towards the door, and saw the sky, because the whole front of the supermarket is panelled with windows. I'm used to having quite few chunks load in ECC, so when I looked out, for some reason my mind registered that the sky was a chunk error, and more chunks would load momentarily. Ah, the joys of sleep deprivation.
I usually get about 4 hours of sleep every night. The only time ill sleep alot is if I'm sick. I sometimes play ECC up to 20 hours straight(not including small breaks.)