I have been trying and trying, but I just can't interpret how to do it. I hope this dosen't cause too much trouble....
Below Board Index is "User Control Panel" User Control Panel > Profile (it's a tab) > Edit avatar (on the side) > Link off-site part > insert image URL > Submit (button) Unless you mean something different... Then I don't know. D: Edit: Also, I moved it to Help & Support, as I think it works better here... If not, another mod can correct me and move it back to Tutorials. ^^;
I don't really get what off-site is, and I just made a pixel art, I wanted to post it..but I really need to know the whole concept. Like from a website URL? I really don't know how to get the URL, as when I try to post an image, it says dimensions could not be found of something...
The off-site thing means a URL from another site. http://tinypic.com is a website where you can upload images, and it gives you a "raw" URL to use. If you mean to post just an image on a forum post, you would still upload your image to a site like tinypic, and you can use the "raw" image URL in between the [ img ] [ /img ] tags (don't use spaces). As for the dimensions, that is just the size your avatar would be. 90 x 90 is the maximum size on ECC Forums, but you can go smaller (probably to 25 x 25)