Hello there I was wondering how fast a melon sword can make money cause I really want 1 but only have 300k. I would try to rent them but I need to know if it's worth it.
17.5k per hour, if you don't get distracted that often. I've heard of 18k/hour as a max, sometimes even 18.5k/hour. As a mod (managing the channels, posting occasional messages) I average 12k-15k per hour.
Depends on how much you make in the day. The most I've ever made in a day was 110k, on a saturday. So if it's like a school night and it's only 3 hours, no. You will barely break even. It all depends on how much you farm.
If you were going down that path then yes, either that or for 2 hours, as sometimes the hourly rate is dropped. I personally average at 16.9k an hour, but have never broken 18k
A melon sword can't make money. I can make money using a melon sword. I wish I could set my melon sword on the ground and have it make money, but it can't, it doesn't have hands, feet, or muscle to swing itself and walk down the rows of my melon farm.
Wow, someone's a smartalick. It's obvious that 00 wasn't implying that, there's no reason to go off on him like this...
ROFL, it was a joke, in fact it was a play on a radio commercial that I've been hearing a lot about how much money you save on motorcycle insurance. Sorry that I couldn't find a "Tongue in cheek" smiley to attach to the joke to make it more obvious.