Hello ECC, I just wanted to know how u guys all became residents. How you earned 15k to become a resident. Did you mine, sg, farm, etc.?
Started the long hard way, punching trees for $, decided to then go the "All Worlds" special feature support route. Now back to building funds the conventional way to Mayor.
7amoodw LOL! I used a fort 1-3 pick on melons forever then when it was time to get mayor they had the huge price change with pumpkins so I sold tons of pump axes at like 15k each.. Hours of a work for Rez < Like half the work and half the Hours for Mayor..
I just mined a lot, did a little farming. I don't like farming. And I got 4.5k from my first mayor, he wanted me to become his Co-Mayor. I still am Co-Mayor even until this day.
Back in my day, there was no sg. And I can hardly remember anything about my builder/resident days. (It's only been two years idk why I can't remember anything. I probably have a bad memory.)
I hardly remember. I think I got most of my money from voting back even we got pork chops and money from it. I also fished for xp and sold the fish and the xp
I got mine off of a 1 second contest hosted by eekelmo and thus I am now a [VIP] President c: so thanks eek!
Mostly I mined... and me being a nubbly builder didn't realize I could buy/mine with enchanted tools... or get my regular ones repaired. Dark days.
I mined the main world (legacy) because i builders weren't allowed in the mining world and I didn't know what farming meant. I would travel by boat to a remote place, dig down to bedrock and set my one home there. Then I mine out the are surrounding my base.