How can i connect to your server ? Pls respond fast! Thank you very much! (I have 1.3.1 can i play with this ? If no what can i do? Thanks a lot! Respond Fast!
You cant play with 1.3.1 on this server for another week or two. Search google for minecraft 1.2.5 and look for a .jar file called minecraft.jar when you download. Then hit start and in the bottom search bar type %appdata% Look for a folder called roaming or .minecraft Open .minecraft Open bin Put the new minecraft.jar in this folder Hit yes to all Open minecraft go to multiplayer Hit join newbserver or something like that Name it ECC In the ip section type Hit ok or whatever it is Gdouble click ECC in multiplayer menu Enjoy!
Ty very much sir but , i can't connect ot the server i take the message "Failed to Login = Bad Login" :?
Cracked accounts do not work on ecocitycraft. Check to make sure you didn't click to play offline first. IF you aren't then you have an illegal account and the black helicopters are after you. Wanted people aren't allowed to play with illegal accounts on ecc
guys, bad login isn't necesarily cracked. Cracked usually says Not Premium. You should just try again later, it should work.