They don't produce anything and they can't go through a portal or teleport. Why are they so valuable?
They're fun to play with? There's no real economic advantage to having a horse, but as nicit said (in very small font I may add), they're more of a status symbol than anything else. I personally stay away from them, I'd rather avoid all that heartbreak/drama
Because they are still kind of "hard" to get. You can't buy them from the server you have to buy one from a person who won one or two eggs. The moment they are able to go through portals and teleport spam will be flooded with proude horse owners.
I have a horse and one horse egg. The value on least what I've seen... is between 16k-18k per egg.
I have like four eggs that I got from voting just sitting around in chests right now. I haven't decided what to do with them yet
I own... an insane amount of horses. They are sorta... a sign of wealth and a fun thing to play with sometimes. I take a horse to spawn sometimes and ride around the spawn area. Other times I take my horse around my castle... Idk its faster than walking and more fun than flying.
My response is simply this: Horses are amazing. Some people (including me) find that owning a horse means a lot. They may not really know why (believe me, I don't), but they may just enjoy the fact that they own a horse.
Interesting question. I agree with the above sentiments. Horses are like a real fur coat -- and like a fur coat, you must be careful with them, less someone sneak by and throw paint at them... They also make nice gifts, and for hilarious screenshots when people with fly attach leads to them...
No real economic value? I don't know where you get your information from, I rent my horse for kiddie rides at 100k ECD/minute.
Technological advances... other throwing bad governments... etc. Also... really off topic lol. Horses however, which are fantastic. Are good for being fast, awesome, hoppy. They are fantastic at parkour. They are just the coolest... Trust me.. I have horses...
In order to fully explain my point on horses. I will start with the following facts: There are 35 coat colorings of normal horses. Therefore you can collect 35 unique horses on ECC. Plus the lovely donkey bringing it to 36. Then there is the fact that horses vary in jump ability and hearts. There is an insane amount of different horses... Its like pokemon... "Gotta catch em all!"