i am hiring someone to vote on my behalf, i will pay you 6000$/week or 8 nstar for voting on all 4 sites with the name "DareDevil_0310". you may or may not barter for a higher payment, but remember, you only get to barter one price, if i do not accept it, it will go directly back to 6000$.
You make $2400 minimum a day from voting.. 2400x7=16,800 a week . 4k/week payment doesn't seem fair and not sure why anyone would do this.
however, all you are doing is voting, if i were to vote, i would make the same money. anyone is already making 16.8k, they just get 4k extra for using an extra device to vote. what i am selling is that you get your vote plus vote for me to get some extra money. the voted money is rightfully mine, you just get a small share of it for helping me out. you know what, i will raise it to 6k
this would mean you get 20.8k or 36 nstar a week for helping a lazy person. i could vote and get the money, but you could vote twice for some extra 6k or 8 nstar if you like it that way.
When you vote, it also takes your IP. So that means that people can only vote once per day, no matter what username they enter. So if they vote for you, and not themselves they will only get 6k. again, make it more than 16.8k or no person will do it unless they are tricked.
Not if they use their phone or another device. Or if they live in a location where they get a personal and public wifi they can swap between.