Hi kids

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by kevinwelch2001, Mar 24, 2016.

  1. kevinwelch2001

    kevinwelch2001 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Sep 2, 2015
    Trophy Points:
    1. Im kevin
    2. Im a failed polyglot I know a bit of (French, Spanish, German, Japanese, Welsh, and polish) However i can't have a fluent conversation within those languages, I do know a lot of Esperanto so i can have some conversations in it.
    3.I like Wendy's
    4. The voices inside of my head are fun to talk to
    5. I used to do a lot of game making with programming languages like python/c#/Lua/java/visualbasic. However Im going to get back into game making.
    6. Eminem Is my favourite Artist
    7.Chinese food is the best but i like East side marios more
    8.I probably have a networth of more than 600k if you include all of my in game assets
    9. I make 10k per hour
    10.Helping builders is fun !