Hia, I'm BlazeInfinite. Some of you have known me as IzTheWizKid, Israellawson and IsraelLawson but this may or may not be my new permanent name. I'm 14 years old as of current and i was born on September 7th 2001. I currently own 2 towns on ECC and they are Paragon & Aces. I am currently trying to create an Animated series about a boy (Blaze Infinite) who is looking for his purpose in minecraft. I'd appreciate any help i could get in that whether it be animating, voicing a character or creating the setting in blender (a city, a village, an amazing minshaft, and a spectacular looking End Dimension) i'd greatly appreciate it. Anyways. If you want to join my team feel free to forum pm me. So far my cast is as follows. Right now, i am using the Blender->Minecraft Rig to animate the series the best i can. I guess that's it for now. Cast: @BlazeInfinite- Blaze Infinite (The Electrolite/Boy looking for his purpose) @3point14mp- Jack Sakata (The PvP Master of course) @DevotedToChrist- Josh Wilson (Unspecified) @DisFool- Alan Smith (Miner) @Thorpian- Alexander Miracle (Miner) @mista_J- Deandre Jackson (The Thug) @RaginDevonian- Ivan Ronson (Blaze's Comapnion) *I'll definitely need a narrator!*