Minecraft Username: KillerkongPro Brief Description: found death drops from past game Instructions: 1. just find the drops randomly How many times did you recreate this bug?: twice, i've done this once before completely by luck. Result: picked up some chain armor, swords, food, etc... Expected Result: lucky I even found it. Evidence: it might be re-creatable, I don't know, but I found this completely by chance on arena 1, it would be very hard/lucky to find it again WHILE taping.
I can confirm this happens and i know how to do it almost every game but I won't be sharing it publicly
If possible, please record a video and post it on the forums. If it can be extremely abused, please report it directly to Andrewkm/WeWin. We prefer bugs them to be reported on the forum board. The only exception is the duplication of items.
i have seen random items on the ground, assumed someone had a full inventory so couldn't pick the stuff up
I've told Tommy and Unknown about it in vent. It's technically a dupe bug but it's confined to the actual games and cannot be brought over to the main world.
One time in the hunger games 1 I won and the last guy I killed I went to that spot and found his stuff and I won that round to
This has happened to me too, only the server restarted and when I logged back in, the stuff from hg was still in my inventory. I told andrew about it in pm and he told me to re-log, that did not help. It was still in my inventory.
I have found stuff on the ground twice. Huge piles of armor and weapons that fill up my entire inventory.