Title Says it all >> Don't say "Get CJB's" That is the most in-compatible mod in minecraft today, it breaks all my mods currently, Getting it is not an option.
I just followed your Youtube Tutorial to the letter AFTER i force UPDATED my minecraft to keep it fresh, I've got Errors. You should support Zombe Mod... Its easier to install and easier to config. IMO. The fact u need essentially 5 mods to get CJB to work is stupid. All I want from it is Fly... -.- This reminds me of Optifine <--- Does 50 billion things (Except the thing you want it to do)
Have u tried to install this yet?... API conflicts with CJB. As well as this the folders have changed in 110 CJB but they don't tell you whats what anymore.
. . . Even the guys own Tutorial doesn't sync up properly. CJBMods100... Put in 32x32 Texture Pack Put in Minecraft Folder Put in minecraft.jar Put in minecraft.jar - FORGE readme.txt *** These Are the Folders Inside this. These Folders Sync up with his "Latest" video. Now for the .. CJBMods110... Put in 32x32 Texture Pack Put in Minecraft Folder Put in minecraft.jar - FOR XRAY ONLY Put in minecraft.jar - FORGE132 - FOR XRAY ONLY readme.txt *** So... If u follow HIS Tutorial on his website his "Updated" one his folders don't sync up. Besides this I try use the Patcher and it does Nothing. Installs - NOTHING. I Do the + And add each one and patch it etc. But nothing works.
Don't get me wrong I'm honestly following the "instructions" and I'm getting nothing. This is an entirely fresh install of the game... On a side note... Zombe isn't even fully disabled, I can still use a-lot of its other mods. CJB + Optifine = Hate for Wolvie Well looks Like I'm waiting for Zombe to get Err "Fixed"? Hopefully that wont take long >>
you only have to install PlayerAPI and the in your minecraft folder part, if you have done that it should work perfectly fine.