Will I be banned for reporting an AC exploit I found by testing it? It is a speed hack that I found about a month ago and It has bypassed the latest NCP so I decided to try it here and it worked. And @Alarah ingame has told me that I won't be banned but I wanna make sure I won't. Will I be banned?
If you are using a hacked client or abusing any sort of exploit that is a bannable offence. As far as I know the period where hacking was allowed is over, so you may be in trouble, I've seen people get banned for 'testing' hacked clients before. Although my answer isn't definitive, a staff member can probably give a more accurate answer.
Help and support threads don't get locked. And I believe that Alarah is wrong as there is no rule allowing the testing of hacks AFAIK. Anticheat.
Andrew confirmed with me I won't be banned. Why would you want me banned anyways? I thought you would already know I wont be banned because you were staff. And what does AFAIK mean? Or is that some weird rage yelling XD?
I don't want you to be banned at all, I was just answering your question. AFAIK means 'As far as I know'.
AC = the plugin AntiCheat or a regular anti-cheat. NC = NoCheat. NCP or NC+ = NoCheatPlus. Flag = When a player is found hacking by the AC of the server. When that happens the plugin usually does something to stop the hacker.
Don't be alarmed, CodeTrooper, eek was just providing you the best information he had available to him which is indeed that you are not supposed to do what you did but luckily you reported it, had no ill intent, and the server is better for knowing the exploit to prevent it. Next time as I imagine you have likely been told already, I would recommending alerting the admin of the potential exploit prior to any testing. I'm glad this all worked out for the best.
I had no idea if the exploits worked on ECC, so I had to test it so I knew it worked so my report would not be spam because it is not an exploit on ECC. What I reported is not blocked by ECCAC. <-- is ECCAC NCP? I reported a serious full flight exploit and a pretty serious speed exploit. And somehow it is not blocked. Why can't Jamie edit it? Might be because a lot of clients have "Obfuscated" code?] Ooo after all my time on ECC I have concluded that endermen are real and you are one because I see you everywhere. JK I think it is cool to have at least someone looking at my posts.
Because he's not the dev and has no knowledge about anticheat? Jamie's certainly not magic, he can't do everything.
He is not the dev? I thought he was. [EDIT] Just checked he is the lead dev. And please don't rate almost ALL of my posts you rate a potato. I'm trying to help ECC. Tbh you are not being helpful rn. And I'm pretty sure he would know something about the AC that he could change about the speed bypass.
I meant he can edit it. >.< I never said he was the dev of NCP I said he was the dev of ECC. Which means he can probably edit it.
But jamie's not knowledgeable about anticheat solutions. You're assuming any dev can just willy nilly edit anything. It takes a specific knowledge set to manage and edit an anticheat plugin.