I need to be filled in on this new spawnshop thing... I bought 50k worth of time on stall 96, then come to find out i cant even do anything yet b/c its getting moved. Now, i went to the new market, counted the plot size, and literally spent 4 hours on a prototype spawn shop on a signle player world. Come to find out, the outer plots are a slight bit smaller than the other ones i counted, and now that time i spent is wasted. but, there werent even outer shops earlier when i counted, they were all the same size. What in the world is going on? The only info i have found is its to help lag. Are the outer ones - like shop 96 - going to be smaller?
Its not fair if i pay the same ammount as money, to get a farther shop that makes less money, and get an even smaller plot to make even less money. I honestly wish i didnt but this darn spawn shop thing. Its outrageous how i have been running around frantically, trying to get answers, trying to save my 50 thousand i spent on this thing.
The spawnshops are under construction and ask such there aren't any exact answers quite yet on size. That being said, it has been mentioned as something that would be occurring soon for several weeks on our twitter. I get your frustration considering you just rented it, however, the shops should be done very quickly. I'd suggest waiting to design your shop after it has been transferred to its final location; that is what I am doing for my shop. As for spawnshop sizes. Spawnshops have never been the same exact sizes. Our old market place had varying shapes and sizes. The top floor spawn shops are now the big ones at the front. I get the you feel the amount of money you paid, 50k, is unfair considering you are paying 5k a week for the same thing as someone else with a bigger shop, but, those shops when they go expired go up for auction and not first come first serve. Those are several million dollars just to buy the right to pay rent on them. I guess what I'm trying to say is that everyone who owns a spawnshop is going through a rough time. Basically everyone has had to redesign their shop. Some of us are losing a few days of sales because no one is going to the old market place, etc. Overall, the entire server is just having to sit tight and wait until all the issues are smoothed out.