Hey all so i was making some sigs and when i was done, i placed them in my download folder, i use a mac OSX. when i went to ECC and i tried to upload a sig, it shows a blue color box with a question mark in the center and my sig doesn't appear, idk what i can do to resolve this. any ideas guys?
When you go into the part of where you can edit your signature, you need to copy and image URL then paste into the spot it says. Before the link put [ img ], and after [ /img ] There are no spaces at all. I just need to put so it doesn't show a broken link. Here's an example. [ img ]<insert link here>[ /img ]
upload the image to a website like http://imgur.com and simply copy paste the image in the editing field. (right click -> copy image) Try copy pasting the image in my signature into this thread.