When I tried to get on the server today a message came up saying that my IP address has been blocked by spamhaus.org/xbl What does this mean? I really love this server! Please help me to resolve this. Thanks, Sheep_mage
You will need to renew your IP address. Someone probably just hacked your IP and did some malicious activities causing it to be flagged. It is just a safety feature that prevents possible hacking/ DDoSing of servers. Renew it by following the steps on this website: http://whatismyipaddress.com/change-ip. It should fix the problem.
Well, It is still happening. I am not sure what to do. I don't know much about ip addresses. Sheep_mage
HI no problem you can easily fix ip bloack just by changing your ip address ..If you are having dynamic ip address then you can easily change it just by resetting your modem .Else if you are having static ip address then you must have to inform the ISP provider to change it ...Then visit sites like Ip-Details.com to know your present network ip address ...Then visit sites which has blocked your ip address ....
While I appreciate your effort in helping out, this issue has been resolved. If you are having an issue, please post that you are having the same problem otherwise, please do not necro threads, especially from 2012.