Hi My name is Issolate. I have been playing this server for about a month now. I love this server it is great. But today i went through a portal at spawn trying to get to the wilderness when suddenly i appeared somewhere in between blocks and died. I lost a Diamond shovel, axe, and pick as well as a full set of iron armor, and a stone hoe and some bread. I worked really hard for that stuff and would like to have it back because i feel i deserve it back and not have it all lost because of a glitch. Could you check the logs and see where i glitched and get my stuff back? thanks. Issolate
i have a hard time beliveing you played for a month if only now you are geting a ecocity acount and the mods can not help you and a dupe of this viewtopic.php?f=7&t=13025 and this viewtopic.php?f=7&t=12928