Hi, I want to buy Multihome. Do I need to give a credit card number to use a Visa or MasterCard gift card? Some one please explain. Thankyou
Top right of the page, "USD" button -> "CAD"? No idea about the others though... different payment means than what I use.
I use PayPal, but i have purchased via just entering all credit card details before, and i'm sure someone once stated that pre-paid giftcards, so as visa can be used at buycraft stores? Don't quote me on it, but I believe it is available. Best to try and purchase with it, and if it doesn't work, dang, if it does, then woot. For your first question, as 314 stated above, convert the "USD" into "CAD" and that should sort that problem, tag me here if you need anymore help. iTz
I don't think you need a paypal account. They create a temporary account for you. At least that's how it was when I bought TP a couple of days ago.