Hi guys I just wondered about a voting thing. The whole coupon code things are for the top six voters of the month right, so would you have to vote everyday to be in with a chance and are names 'pulled out of a hat' or is there usually only 6 top voters? Also can people be chosen again for the top prize, is it likely or unlikely? Thanks for reading this! TAYLORBROS22
I just want to know because I have just gotten a town (Mayor Rank) and would like at least a $20 coupon code for TP!
It goes to the people who voted the most. Last I checked, if there was a tie, they would be randomly picked. Let's say 2 people had 190 votes, then one of the 2 people would get number 1, and the other number 2. This was many months ago, I assume it's still the same now.