Hello! I have been of ECC for about 2-3 months now. I left because of school reasons and not having time to play any Minecraft at all. Yeah it sucks but I need to focus on school right now. Hello @Turtwiginator95 ! Can anyone fill me in on what as happened in the past few months? Thanks! ~Redmonkey1313
I would tell you everything that happened but I don't have the time to write a novel. Sorry. Just kidding. There has been a lot of changes, mainly revolved around andrew giving ownership of the server to Phys due to issues irl. Phys has made a few changes so far and it looks like there will be many more and I believe Phys is doing a great job so far. Some of these changes include passive mobs spawning in main world, enchantment tables readded, and a parcour portal at spawn. Staff is almost completely different now so you may want to look at the staff list if interested.
In addition to what dumdum said, prices have changed a lot so you may want to familiarize yourself with them before doing trades.
Alot of things happened and mistakes where made by high ranked players. Alot of things have calmed down now. most of staff quit for their own reasons and Andrew has given ownership over.