What is the "harlem shake"Harlem Shake videos all follow the script of one person, often in a helmet, dancing alone in a room full of bored-looking people. Then, as the beat kicks in on harlem shake" we smash cut to the entire room going nuts in the most ridiculous ways possible. How can we do this on ECCWell the main goal is we need a LOT of people, and I mean a lot, if we can get Andrewkm to support us on this it will be epic. if you want to be part of this please post below When is this going to happenI have not set a time yet, hopefully it will be soon WE DID IT, HUGE THANKS TO EVERYONE
Oh. My. Freeking. Gosh. That. Is. Boss. I. Love. You. Guys. L.O.L. when i saw this, i was ROFL! lololololol u guys are booooss! <3