Grieved and Trolled, PLEASE read someone

Discussion in 'Historically Archived Grief Report & Rollback Req' started by cubecrafter97, Oct 5, 2013.

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  1. cubecrafter97

    cubecrafter97 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Oct 3, 2013
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    Myself (cubecrafter97) and ToffeeSquirrel (builder) were hired on 10/4 for a high altitude dirt placement job. We were told that if we fell, that we would get out stuff back. While leaving to use a down lift, I lagged and fell. I tried to type /home but unfortunately my lag was too much...I died. I was tp'd back by GamecockFantastic (my "employer") and right when i got there i saw "give it to cube now toffee".
    that went on for like 5 minutes then he tp'd away. He got away with my full set of diamond armor and some bread. I only cared about the armor. It took me my whole time on the server to get that diamond armor. Gamecock was very nice to me and made me a new set, he is awesome. But Toffee kept bragging "ahh, my new diamond armor" and it was very frustrating. I am reporting him for Trolling and Grieving as GamecockFantastic and AJCowLover (other employer) said he is responsible for.

    -cubecrafter97 (resident)
  2. peregrines3469

    peregrines3469 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Jul 6, 2012
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    please do not double post, also this should be posted under complaints using the correct format.

    locked and denied
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