Minecraft Username: clobber24 Affiliation: My best friend in real life Town Name: Island Is the Grief located in the Wild? If so, is there a pending Mayor application for this defined region? no Co-ordinates of Grief: I do not have the coordinates because my computer won't let me log onto minecraft but the grief is in Island Brief Description: He has been griefing to get money for his own town Evidence: He told me while we were walking home from school today. Rollback: No, just a ban please.
And im selling houses in the wild because I have a small village going and my friends don't greif the houses in my village. So I don't see how im doing anything wrong.
Wow my friends even support me and they say that you are being mean and are just trying to get me banned!
See hes just trying to get me banned and i'm gona say it again. He hasn't even been active; how would he know if I greifed!
While the way this matter was approached is not usually preferred... clobber24 did in fact grief a good bit of the town, and will be given a ban. Clobber24 has been banned. Locked.