Minecraft Username: Rezonl Affiliation: Owner Town Name: Farm Is the Grief located in the Wild? If so, is there a pending Mayor application for this defined region? n/a Co-ordinates of Grief: http://screensnapr.com/v/4ihHI1.png Brief Description: row upon row of seeds removed Evidence: celo747, the user who had the job, was the one who destroyed it. Few people have permission to my town, called farm, and celo747 was working a job. One line of the farm extends into my second town toronto, and he also has permission there, pointing all blame to him. However, here are the pictures so you can log-block it to ensure a 100% right ban. However, I would NOT like him rolled back as he completed a lengthy job. //EDITDep01 also had permission in both towns, another suspect. Picture: http://screensnapr.com/v/4ihHI1.png Rollback Request: No.