Minecraft Username: idkhowtoplay Affiliation: co-owner Town Name: Futureville Town World: Rising Is the Grief located in the Wild? If so, is there a pending Mayor application for this defined region? No, it's within the town limits. Co-ordinates of Grief: x = -7876, y = 64, z = 11408 Brief Description: Some oak wood planks were broken (; reason was most likely to enter the house without permission because the doors are locked). The logs will show that @Lyonsmason, the player who was griefed, replaced the blocks and broke later to demonstrate to me where they were broken. The oak wood planks were then replaced afterward. Evidence: N/A Rollback: Not requesting a rollback.
User was found to be Nnediscool User destroyed: ~45 Wood Blocks 2 Wood Pressure Plates 1 door Locked. User: Nnediscool has been banned for moderate Grief in the town of Futureville.