Minecraft Username: thomasku11 Affiliation: co mayor Town Name: gigafarm Town World: legacy Is the Grief located in the Wild? If so, is there a pending Mayor application for this defined region? Co-ordinates of Grief: 1) x: -14532 y:135 z:13991 2) x: -14580 y:135 z:13991 3) x:-14628 y:128 z:13986 4) -14628 y:135 z:13980 5) x:-14650 y:135 z:13992 6) -14615 y:123 z:13993 *7) -14569 y:107 z:1398 Brief Description: widespread grief Evidence: Rollback:
Thank you for reporting this, The user in this case was 00abadir and they have since been banned for major widespread grief in gigfarm. User banned.