hello andrew km i would like to report a griefer h has stole my pumpkins and built things on a plot in the town i live in he has stolen seeds and obstructed my property and refuses to fix the seeds he claims he was reorganizing my farm and he made a locked door on my house that i could not delete although i conviced him to remove the door he is still harassing me and said f*** babesum which i dint apreaciate. i wish it if u could please remove him from the server or retrieve payment from his funds. he stole about 600 seeds and at this market who knows how much money i could get from thst u know and i could finnish my other farm wuth trhat. i would recommend that you make so he cant get plots in towns so that a incident like this doesnt happen again and just so you know he is a reapeat affender. and also he stole from FishandChips78 in the fact that he owned the farm too and rumplynick22 might have helped him because he was there when all this went down and did take a few pumpkins from me that i witnessed the players name is rumplyadam and just so you know my name is Babesum and this happened in swagridge the town owner is BGeisinger6 i would appreaciate it if you would look at thus and make a appropiate decision so this doesnt happen again thank you fo looking at this
I will look into this, but as far as I knew you two were sharing a plot, but I will talking to rumplyadam about this. I wont be able to get on and help settle this until sunday, because I am out of town. I also want to let you know that you should use the correct format when making a greif reprort. Here is the link to the greif report format: viewtopic.php?f=59&t=8527 I will be on sunday to help straight this out.
bg thank you for looking into it just so we are clear we were not sharing the plot i told adam and nick about the server and they got on i let them work on the farm and i did say we can all go in on a few plots they did a little work on the farm and we bought the plot were theybuilt house. it was agreed we would share house i went out to make money and get plots while they worked on the house. when i came back they said it was there plot and i wasnt aloud in because i didnt help. so i told them to leave and we settled on 2040 dollars to pay them for there work. i even said they could keep the plot with the house. a few minutes later i found nick stealing pumpkins from my farmplot that i bought before they even entered the server let alone the town and i still blew it off. i came on the next day and everything was fine a few hours later i found adsam had made a door into my first plot wich me and fish and chips shared (by the way FishandChips78 was there when this went down if you need another viewpoint ). i looked through my farm and the first level was plantless and 2 other levels were also plantless. he claims that he was trying to rearange my farm to mkae it more efficient even though i made it very clear they were not ever supposed to go in the pot or my other pl heots ever again. he claims that he did not touch the plants even though he did makke a door and only those 3 levels were cleared out and all cleared out and no others. semms suspicious right he couldnt even guve me a answer to what he was doing except for he was organizing it so i would like it if either he was banned form town or server altogether. or if i could move out of town that would be okay to but i want to sell my plots with out him desrtroying them and dont do the thing where you get a warning because in mean i gave him 2 already how manyy more does he nneed. so please just fix this im tired of him harrasing me and making fun of how i farm and griefing propety im curently trying to sell it doesnt help the value you know.so again thank you for looking at it next time i will use proper format to
Okay, Thank you for more of the information, and take screen shots if this ever happens again, so that you could have some clear evidence to help out the situation. Again I will be on sunday, to help figure/settle this out for both of you in the best of way possible.
i also am in belief he has some of my bricks but i have no proof but my plot with bricks is getting smaller i think
t well apparently im banned now anyway bnecause john banned me from town for swearing at adma cause he griefed again and so i swore a hole lot and now theyer trying to get me baned al together and i only swore so much because john started trying to take away fishandchips plots because i gave em to him and he says there his and im really sorry i wont enter yourtown or anything i just want nmy money for the plots. and ill go please i have nothing now and adam swore at me to and by the way trye did steal to i saw him but i understand if nothing can be done i just wanna say im srry for causing all the trouble but im not srry for john orrumplyadam or anyone but you your the only legitimate person working there so nthank you for not being a crook.