grief report

Discussion in 'Historically Archived Grief Report & Rollback Req' started by Babesum, Mar 16, 2012.

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  1. Babesum

    Babesum Builder
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    Feb 26, 2012
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    hello andrew km
    i would like to report a griefer
    h has stole my pumpkins and built things on a plot in the town i live in he has stolen seeds and obstructed my property and refuses to fix the seeds
    he claims he was reorganizing my farm and he made a locked door on my house that i could not delete although i conviced him to remove the door he is still harassing me and said f*** babesum which i dint apreaciate.
    i wish it if u could please remove him from the server or retrieve payment from his funds. he stole about 600 seeds and at this market who knows how much money i could get from thst u know and i could finnish my other farm wuth trhat. i would recommend that you make so he cant get plots in towns so that a incident like this doesnt happen again and just so you know he is a reapeat affender. and also he stole from FishandChips78 in the fact that he owned the farm too and rumplynick22 might have helped him because he was there when all this went down and did take a few pumpkins from me that i witnessed

    the players name is rumplyadam and just so you know my name is Babesum and this happened in swagridge the town owner is BGeisinger6 i would appreaciate it if you would look at thus and make a appropiate decision so this doesnt happen again thank you fo looking at this
  2. Glooble

    Glooble Penguin
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    May 15, 2011
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