Lucky1234320 Affiliation:Town Owner Town Name:NewTown Is the Grief located in the Wild? If so, is there a pending Mayor application for this defined region?No its not in thw wild Co-ordinates of Grief: Cords are -12392 72 -721 Brief Description:Grief barn to steal horses from my town Evidence: Rollback Request:No Note: If Rollback Request is set for "Yes" - Anything this user has built, including assisting in town projects, will be gone. This may result in several holes in a town project that this user had contributed in. As well If you are filing for a rollback you need to be as descriptive as possible about what blocks are missing. "Diamond blocks gone" is not descriptive. We do not know what the structure looked like before it was griefed, so be as descriptive as possible. Also, do not file for a rollback if the damages are not massive. A wall or two from one building is not bad enough for a rollback. Also, damages must meet or exceed a pricing of 7,500 EcoDollars (server pricing) worth of items gone
After discussing it with another SuperMod. We have determined that Kutless228 will be banned for grief. Revanrose6 Kutless228 Has been banned for grief of Newtown