Minecraft Username:Thecreator767 Affiliation:Owner Town Name:Emerald Is the Grief located in the Wild? If so, is there a pending Mayor application for this defined region? No Co-ordinates of Grief: X:110 Y:30 Z:-2910 Brief Description: A user broke into my house and stole two heads. Quefueve and Monkeybutt244 Evidence: They're missing, however, I see no holes in my bunker's roof. Rollback: I would appreciate my stuff back because I bought a quefueve head at auction for 6.25k and went to place it, but I realized my first quefueve head was gone...
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I am sorry this has happened to you. Please remember that heads can be locked for safety, I know this does not help you now but remember it for the future. The fellon was Redboii2000. I did notice he also sold the Quefueve head in auction for $6.25k. I will be requesting a rollback for the heads. Fellon banned for moderate grief in the protected town of Emerald and selling one head Quefueva for gain in auction