Minecraft Username: TheEpicChopper Affiliation: Mayor Town Name: ChopperVille Is the Grief located in the Wild? If so, is there a pending Mayor application for this defined region? No Co-ordinates of Grief: X: -1416 Y: 63 Z: -4514 and X: -1512 Y: 63 Z: -4401 Brief Description: The griefer griefed Bananaman2356's stable/house and stole his horse . The griefer also griefed "The great wall of Chopper"/ the town wall. Evidence: I don't have a screenshot of the griefer griefing. It was already griefed when I got on Rollback Request: No
Thank you for reporting this matter to the staff team, we have been and nvestigated the area and found that NinjahGlitch was the user who broke the blocks at this location. User was NinjahGlitch, User has been banned for griefing.