Minecraft Username: Nck98 Affiliation:Co-Mayor Town Name:Small Hill Is the Grief located in the Wild? If so, is there a pending Mayor application for this defined region? No Co-ordinates of Grief:[x-7631, y65, z2877] [x-7625, y69, z2876] [x-7656, y64, z2852] [x-7650, y65, z2818] [x-7592, y64, z2822] [x-7551, y79, z2888] [x-7610, y64, z2906] [x-7607, y68, z2903] Brief Description:Broke in houses and ruined farms and did not replant crops. Also greifed enchantment room. Evidence:Romper will place screen shots below. Rollback:No, we will fix ourselves.
After further investigation, I have found Twerky_the_dwarf also griefed a giant section of a potato farm and lilmets committed 3-4 pieces of grief and ggmman committed 30+ griefed blocks. User's Tweky_the_dwarf, lilmets, and ggmman are banned for grief