Minecraft Username: austinsplaneguy Affiliation: mayor Town Name: austintown Is the Grief located in the Wild? If so, is there a pending Mayor application for this defined region? it is in a town Co-ordinates of Grief: x-8892 y64 z4426 x-8899 y70 zz4418 x-8907 y68 z4444 x-8906 y72 z4364 x-8909 y62 z4299 x-8862 y63 z4303 (its the whole farm) x-8833 y67 z4365 x-8918 y53 z4307 x-8797 y63 z4313 Brief Description: user went around the town breaking things Evidence: log block it Rollback: yes please
User- cgwars User- percyjackson543 User banned. Rollback request denied. Most of the grief was in farms, and we don't rollback farms.