Minecraft Username:lapkingkn Affiliation:Mayor Town Name:laptown Is the Grief located in the Wild? If so, is there a pending Mayor application for this defined region? nope its not in the wild Co-ordinates of Grief: 1. x:-1835 y:64 z:3622 my name may show up because i placed a sign in the wrong spot and i broke it in the wrong spot as well... 2. x:-1844 y:63 z:3646 a quart block is missing in my friends shop bigAL 3. x:-1852 y:63 z:3633 4. x:-1888 y:63 z:3639 Brief Description: holes in the walls and things missing Evidence: go to the cords Rollback:no
Location 1: SamboM1 No action taken, grief to little Location 2: fireboy93939 No action take, grief to little Location 3: SamboM1 Location 4: SamboM1 No users banned, I would advise removing sambo from town to prevent future griefings