Minecraft Username: penguinpusher1 Affiliation: Resident Town: lizardbay Is the Grief located in the Wild? If so, is there a pending Mayor application for this defined region? no, usernameofdeath owns this city. Coordinates: x-9838 y:68 z:-920 Evidence: At coordinates building description- somebody posted, "You have been trolled/griefed by penguinpusher1 Bi***h" on the side of our town farm. I did not do this, I'm worried this person might post this all over trying to get me in trouble. Please find out who actually did this.
I saw the grief because penguin showed it to me I am sure that a mod investigation will sort this out and find the real culprit.
Unfortunately this has been over a week old as the logs show no name. I will trust that it wasn't you that did it and ask that you take down the signs. Sorry we couldn't come to a conclusion with this problem, this isn't needed in the server.