Minecraft Username: benson159 Affiliation: Mayor Town Name: Mangaworld Is the Grief located in the Wild? If so, is there a pending Mayor application for this defined region? If Grief is located in the Wild - Is there a current Town application pending in the Mayors/President + Applications? Its not griefed in the wild . Co-ordinates of Grief: Your X, Y and Z co-ordinates. (ie. X: 100, Y: 60, Z: -100) x=11441 y=64 z=-3013 Brief Description: A brief description of what was griefed or what needs to be removed [lwc.] (ie. Chests, Doors, Furnaces, etc.) some grass blocks were griefed,glass panes , a house griefed . dont need lwc removals as they didnt lock the doors and chest Evidence: http://www.spidawg.ca/investigations/006.png Rollback Request: no
The user (MrWaffJaffa) has been banned for griefing, You should fix this grief as soon as possible due to it's inappropriate context. If you wish to know anything further feel free to contact me via Pm either in-game or on the forums. -Jakey