Minecraft Username: tcanton233 Affiliation: President of the town Town Name: District4 Is the Grief located in the Wild? If so, is there a pending Mayor application for this defined region? No it is in a town Co-ordinates of Grief: I don't know where to put the cords because 90% of the town was griefed but the cords are at 1 of the big griefs. -9244 64 1034 Brief Description: A member of the town went crazy and griefed the whole town while I was offline. He broke into every house affecting about 5-7 peoples houses and took from the street,stores and city buildings. Evidence: We have figured the griefs where committed by declan595 Rollback: yes
Matthew9090 declan595 Massive amounts of grief. 8 or 9 layers of wheat and melons destroyed, floors/walls/glowstone/decorations missing from probably a dozen homes. I've put in for rollbacks. Both users banned. RagMan