[Grief Report]

Discussion in 'Historically Archived Grief Report & Rollback Req' started by buggylemon, Sep 27, 2012.

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  1. buggylemon

    buggylemon Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Feb 22, 2012
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    3rd grief report

    Minecraft Username: BuggyLemon

    Affiliation: Owner

    Town Name: BuggyTown

    Is the Grief located in the Wild? If so, is there a pending Mayor application for this defined region? No

    Co-ordinates of Grief: (X)(Y)(Z) = (-6732) (65) (1016)

    Brief Description: A sugar-cane farm was griefed by a user that a MOD told me to add to the town just so that he could retreive his BELONGINGS from his CHESTS.

    Evidence: The farm is broken at the coordinates.

    Rollback: No.

    P.S. On my previous grief report, glockemdown wrote:

    "He has all of his belongings so you can remove him from the perms."

    His belongings?!?! Dfat told me to add him back to the town so that he could take his belongings from his chests. When I added Exaita to the town, he came and broke the entire sugarcane farm so that now there is water flowing down the sides of it into separate layers and it is a big mess. So he did much more than take his belongings. This is the reason I filed a grief report... If he had just taken his belongings and left, I wouldn't have filed a grief report now would I? Yes I will remove him from the perms but I still want justice.

    "As a mayor we have to clean up after people who abandon their plot or are removed from the town."

    This is exactly the problem. I removed him from the town and all was well. A mod told me to add him back so that he could retrieve his belongings from his chests so I complied. When I added him to the town, he came and made a huge mess in my town. He did not simply abandon his plot.

    "I can't make him come clean up his plot."

    You can penalise him which is what usually happens when grief reports are filed due to a griefer griefing and not staff constantly trying to find ways to defend said griefer...
  2. iEvolive

    iEvolive Epidexipteryx hui
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Oct 28, 2011
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    No action will be taken as Exaita built this farm and had every right to take it down after you kicked him out of the town.

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