Minecraft Username: MrBubblez98 (it's for cerrated, he's quite new to the server I think and doesn't know how to do stuff like this) Affiliation: Resident Town Name: Panem Is the Grief located in the Wild? If so, is there a pending Mayor application for this defined region? Town Co-ordinates of Grief: X: -790 Y: 69 Z: -9030 (this is the entrance, I broke the dirt and replaced it in pic #6, forgot about not supposed to break it, sorry) X: -779 Y: 68 Z: -9026 X: -783 Y: 93 Z: -9031 (for the rest, just head down the ladder) Brief Description: Some glass missing, and different levels of farm is ruined Evidence:I made it a spoiler to save some room... so much grief... all of these pictures are different, I know it wasn't necessary for all of these, but I did 'em anyway Spoiler 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: Rollback: Yes, if possible
I got monkeyBUTT244 to do some investigating to the wood house across from the house on this report, it was rileyhernadez, but as stated, mod's don't listen to investigators when they state who it was in the report.
Locked & Banned User (rileyhernadez) has been banned for griefing; hence it wasn't a expensive griefing, it wont be subject to a Rollback, apologies.