Minecraft User- 0oAlano0 Affiliation-Resident Where-Spawn and Bongalo Description-Pieces in spawn, Town portal walkways, and my friends home was destroyed Rollback-I dont think so Location of grief: X= -9163.6 Y= 68.6 Z= -4196.5 F= 1
Please copy and use correct format as listed below. Thank you. Code: [b]Minecraft Username:[/b] [b]Affiliation:[/b] [b]Town Name:[/b] [b]Is the Grief located in the Wild? If so, is there a pending Mayor application for this defined region?[/b] [b]Co-ordinates of Grief: [/b] [b]Brief Description:[/b] [b]Evidence:[/b] [b]Rollback:[/b]