Minecraft Username: zorracraft Affiliation: town owner Town Name: surabondance Town World: legacy Is the Grief located in the Wild? If so, is there a pending Mayor application for this defined region? no and no Co-ordinates of Grief: -4137 -6268 Brief Description: wide spread greif, they broke into every building and took every thing they could even from a recent lcw request, broke walls and already built houses Which users own the griefed area, or are allowed to edit blocks in the area mostly me but subarts aka showerhandle2000 stuff is gonne from the recent lcw chests Screenshots to assist Staff identify the grief: Rollback: yes, quartz and gold blocks taken and randon users stuff
Hello @zorracraft thank you for filing this grief report. After investigating i found that: @Janwio Broke: 2 smooth stairs 4 thin glass 1 oak wood 9 grass 213 spruce logs 6 glowstone 2 spruce wood 14 quartz 20 gold block 6 quartz step 2 birch leaves 1 cobblestone 3 stone brick 13 stone and placed placed 1 oak wood 1 dirt User banned for major grief in surabondance. and @darko1000 Broke: 9 glowstone 117 spruce log 28 gold block 1 stone and placed: 4 dirt 2 spruce log 2 cobblestone 15 spruce wood User banned for major grief in surabondance. The amount of grief found doesn't warrant a rollback. Locked.