Minecraft Username: SpartanAmaroq Affiliation: Resident Town Name: Emerald Bazzar Town World: Rising Is the Grief located in the Wild? If so, is there a pending Mayor application for this defined region? No. Co-ordinates of Grief (x/y/z) : 1726.142 / 72 / 10213.075 1725.727 / 72 / 10212.368 1724.841 / 64 / 10221.300 Brief Description: Broken blocks either replaced with junk blocks or missing altogether. Porch block taken and replaced with junk, side of doorway taken and replaced with dirt. Blocks above furnace taken. Which users own the griefed area, or are allowed to edit blocks in the area myself, my mayor (Toymaster3) and anyone else from the town. All items that are lockable are always locked. Screenshots to assist Staff identify the grief: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1...?key=bjhyY1p6SUszbHdRaThFeGplM0hpSDhldTlSUUpB https://photos.google.com/share/AF1...?key=bjhyY1p6SUszbHdRaThFeGplM0hpSDhldTlSUUpB Rollback: No.
I am afraid that the logs have been cleared and that unfortunately there is nothing I can do. I am so sorry. Locked