Minecraft Username: yob124 Affiliation: Resident Town Name: madcity Town World: rising Is the Grief located in the Wild? If so, is there a pending Mayor application for this defined region? no Co-ordinates of Grief: -7236, 79 700 -7229 63 691 -7237 63 700 Brief Description: my farm, a bit of my house and the ladder going up through my house was partially broken. Which users own the griefed area, or are allowed to edit blocks in the area: the plot is owned by me but madmonster_ is allowed to edit blocks as he is the owner of the town. Screenshots to assist Staff identify the grief: yes. Rollback Request: i would like one but i think you would all consider this minor grief. basically 'yes' i would like a rollback if it is eligible.
Hello, @yob124, thank you for filing this grief report. Upon investigation, I have discovered the user known as AidenStrad broke the following: 8 ladders. 2 birch planks. 200 potato crops. Due to this, I will be temporarily banning AidenStrad for a total of 36 hours. I am a afraid this does not meet the rollback criteria. If you have any questions regarding this, feel free to contact me via forum PM or in-game. 36 hour temporary ban issued. Thread locked.