Minecraft Username: i8ablu Affiliation: Town Mayor Town Name: CampusTown Town World: Legacy Is the Grief located in the Wild? If so, is there a pending Mayor application for this defined region? No. Co-ordinates of Grief: Signs: -10019 63 -2064 Cobble: -9988 63 -2064 Brief Description: Some cobble placed all over the ground/air, and some grass blocks broken. About 20 signs placed on another users house. Which users own the griefed area, or are allowed to edit blocks in the area Velasdad Screenshots to assist Staff identify the grief: http://i.imgur.com/VxzvK2z.png Rollback: No. This was done about an hour after a user was asked to fix their grief, in the same areas. Their previous grief was fixed, and then griefed on again.
In my investigation I found: Lishaaa Broke: 2 Grass Placed: 6 Cobble 1 Grass 11 Sign Total: 20 Blocks altered E666H Broke 7 Grass Placed 15 Cobble 10 Sign Total: 32 Blocks altered Lishaaa and E666H temped for 24 hours for Minor Grief in campustown