Minecraft Username: purekingding Affiliation: Mayor Town Name: thecorridor Town World: Legacy Is the Grief located in the Wild? If so, is there a pending Mayor application for this defined region? no its in my town. Co-ordinates of Grief: X: -2821 Y: 63 Z: -14321 ------------------------ X: -2834 Y:63 Z:-14318 ------------------------ X: -2837 Y: 63 Z: -14269 ------------------------ X: -2828 Y: 63 Z: -14278 ------------------------ X: -2902 Y: 63 Z: -14278 Brief Description: The owner of this plot has had problems before telling me there was someone griefing his plot but he fixed it before he told me and just said its okay if it happens again we will worry about it then. well it has happend again with another user of the town. i have also remove prettylocks from the town because he name was the one brought up when sinder33 checked the blocks. Which users own the griefed area, or are allowed to edit blocks in the area: kcrazy78 ownes this plot, and anyone on town perms can edit this area. the plot right across from kcrazy78 has also been griefed owner of plot "Dtsports" Screenshots to assist Staff identify the grief: http://imgur.com/s0x6nES,ohefEvZ http://imgur.com/s0x6nES,ohefEvZ#1 http://imgur.com/eS8CYKB http://imgur.com/7LOOli9 http://imgur.com/PeWKBmd Rollback: yes please. there are multiple areas that have been grief not only this spot. alot of hard work has been destroyed and i would really appreciate it being fixed. thanks.
The user Prettylocks has been banned for Major grief. Your rollback request has been denied because the value of the damage did not warrant a rollback. Locked