Minecraft Username: chad980 Affiliation: Mayor Town Name: eastvail Town World: legacy Is the Grief located in the Wild? If so, is there a pending Mayor application for this defined region? in an existing town Co-ordinates of Grief: x=-6430,y=63,z=1862 x=-6440,y=63,z=1838 x=-6432,y=77,z=1851 Brief Description: broken windows(passably old) holes in the lawn, and slight structural damage. Which users own the griefed area, or are allowed to edit blocks in the area masterscorch117 is the only other player who is allowed to edit the aria. yuukokuo14 also made a platform to get out of the water in one hole caused by the griefing. Screenshots to assist Staff identify the grief: Rollback: not enough damage
The only grief I could find was a few grass blocks destroyed by Kevin2448. I have warned him for grief through pm.