Minecraft Username:. Viktor2684 Affiliation:. Owner and president Town Name:. Dragonville Is the Grief located in the Wild? If so, is there a pending Mayor application for this defined region?. No Co-ordinates of Grief: room coordinates: x-9277 y89 z-2308 Chest coordinates: x-9274 y89 z-2307 Brief Description:. Coolcollin1978 broke into a locked room in three different locations and powerfulEthan took a number of diamond and enchanted tools from one of the chests in that room. Evidence:. Investigator found evidence of the breaking and who took the tools Rollback:. If it will get my tools back yes or take them from coolcollin1978 and powerfulEthan.
User: Coolcollin1978 User has been banned from EcoCityCraft. As for the theft that took place, unfortunately the user that did in fact steal the items, will not receive punishment for the action, due to that theft is not violating any ECC rules. Locked.