Username: oRON647 Affiliation: Resident of Town Town Name: onyxcity The grief occurred inside of the town. Coordinates (my house): x: -12143 y: 67 z: -2496 Description: Between January 18 and 19 my house was broken into and some of my stuff was stolen. I had recently placed new chests to expand storage space, but had forgotten to lock them. Somebody broke in and stole the following items (listed in the order of their importance to me). These are only the things I have noticed missing/remembered, there may have been more. ~2 stacks of cactus 1 enchanted fishing rod (1.5k at auction, unb3, lure2, luck2) 64 Redstone blocks ~30 gold ingots ~10 Lapis blocks, several lapis pieces 64 obsidian 1 enchanted book (I don't remember the enchantment) 1 Iron horse armor 1 enchanted bow (I don't remember the enchantment) 64 clay blocks 64 dark oak Several red mushrooms There are three methods of entry. Through the side door, which was unlocked, through the locked front door, or through the roof. The side door leads to my wheat farm, which is surrounded by a wooden fence and has two locked gates. The roof is 10-15 blocks up, and is open for my pumpkin and potato farm. If they could get up there (with fly maybe) then they would have access to my whole house. None of my neighbors have buildings as tall as mine. Evidence: I have no evidence other than my memory and the server logs. Rollback: Not necessary
It is your responsibility to lock your chests. Taking from unlocked chests is fair game. Sorry. Locked