Minecraft Username: imSwag__ Affiliation: Owner Town Name: Newbury Town World: Rising Is the Grief located in the Wild? If so, is there a pending Mayor application for this defined region? No Co-ordinates of Grief: 1. X: -13023 / Y: 64 / Z: -14734 2. X: -13001 / Y: 64 / Z: -14724 3. X: -13003 / Y:81 / Z: -14692 4. X: -12954 / Y:64 / Z: -14750 5. X: -12915 / Y: 64 / Z: -14760 6. X: -12901 / Y: 64 / Z: -14779 7. X: -12989 / y: 64 / z: -14823 8. X: -13027 / Y: 58 / Z: -14806 AND X: -13025 / y: 64 / Z: -14810 9. X: -12996 / Y:64 / Z: -14784 : water let out 10. X: -12914 / Y:71 / Z: -14775 : Flamers house broken 11: X: -12894 / Y: 101 / Z: -14693 Logs placed 12: X: -12898 / Y: 64 / Z: -14720 Road destroyed Brief Description: Coodinate 1: The entire first floor of the community farm was griefed. The walls were also broken, somewhat. Coordinate 2: User placed inappropriate wording on road, spelling 'FUK U' Coordinate 3: User randomly placed/destroyed blocks to get to my town of Platinum Coordinate 4: User randomly put logs in my lake Coordinate 5: A blue house was griefed somewhat. Coordinate 6: Quartz blocks were broken, along with stone slabs in the water area. Coordinate 7: User broke some iron gates & more stone slabs Coordinate 8: In the first coordinate, the user broke all unlocked chests inside @RianbowColors's vault. in the second coordinate, the user broke into the same house, and covered up his tracks by placing oak logs. Coordinate 9: Slabs were broken, and water was let out. Coordinate 10: The user broke into my brother's house, by building up quartz blocks & he also destroyed some blocks. Coordinate 11: User placed logs to get to the top of newfarms. Coordinate 12: User broke the road Which users own the griefed area, or are allowed to edit blocks in the area: Only I am allowed to edit blocks in the griefed areas, except for the town farm. The farm is for everyone, as long as they replant. Screenshots to assist Staff identify the grief: Thank you to @_Sharpy for this picture: http://prntscr.com/br4qer I'd also like to add that this user tried to bribe me. He continuously denied doing the grief. He claims he saw who did it, but he "forgot" who the person was. Some pictures of proof: Just to note: He also gave me $2000 and 3 stars so I wouldn't post a grief report. Rollback Request: Yes please, this user did a lot of damage to my town that would take me a long time to repair. Just a note to the community: Don't trust @Jeaff, he has proven himself to be a liar, and is just utterly disgusting in my opinion.
Hello @imSwag__ after investigating i found that @jeaff broke: 9 white stained glass pane 36 soul sand 5 polished diorite 10 black whool 23 quartz slabs 6 light blue stained clay 8 Quartz stairs 15 sandstone slabs 6 stone slab 13 iron fence 18 chest 1 workbench 20 red nether brick 2 stone brick 5 cyan stained clay 1 yellow stained clay 50 black stained clay 271 nwart 384 sugar cane 403 crops and placed 1 birch wood 31 black stained clay 29 snow 15 stone slabs 5 quartz slab 81 oak logs 1 yellow stained clay Totalling 228 blocks broken. 1058 crops broken. 163 blocks placed. I'm sorry but this grief doesn't reach the 7500$ ecd necessary for a rollback. Locked, user banned for major crop/block grief in the town of newbury and placing blocks in an inapropriate way.